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RTLWC Site under constrution

All Roads Lead to


What we are about...

The Gospels of Jesus Christ- the message of good news, of hope, of light, eternal life, and abounding love is the fuel for TRUE life. RTLWC has a mission of promoting the thoughts, words, and deeds of Christ through fellowship, prayer, and the donation of time and resources to those in need; striving each day to have more empathy, compassion, and love for our sisters and brothers in Christ.

RTLWC drives to create a community in Christ and to be a vehicle of HIS light- sharing HIS love, grace, fulfilled promise, and abundant beauty with all. Banding the broken together, under the blood that Christ shed for us; praising the fulfillment of the promise and the Holy Spirit’s presence as our co-pilot. For when we Ride Thru Life With CHRIST, the journey is as joyful and beautiful as the destination. 


About the Quesenberry Family

We have always considered our family to be faithful and followers of Christ.  It was in 2020 when many things were shut down due to covid, we were viewing an online church service and the message was about growing the church.  They asked the question; what are you doing as an individual to spread the word of Christ?  That is when we mentioned the phrase “Ride Thru Life With CHRIST".  It resonated with us and we didn’t have any idea what it would lead to at that moment. 

Our family enjoys riding snowmobiles and it was in the winter when we viewed this service.  We asked our teenage son if he would be interested in putting Ride Thru Life With CHRIST on our snowmobiles and he enthusiastically said “Heck Yah”.  We had decals made and proudly put the phrase on our snowmobiles.  This was a step in getting out of our comfort zone and publicly starting to promote a life with Christ.  That is all the further we went with it at that time but it was evident we were a little more willing to open up and talk about our faith over the next several months.

The messages of hope, grace, and God's Love for us kept urging us to do more.  We have always believed in this message,  but we were hearing the reinforcement differently.  From the time the thought of “Ride Thru Life With Christ” was mentioned, it has been on our minds often.  Early in 2022, such a strong urge to move forward to do something to help others made it evident to us that “Ride Thru Life With CHRIST” needed to become a non-profit organization.  The mission is to; “Promote the thoughts, words, and deeds of Christ through fellowship, prayers, and donations of time and resources; striving each day to have more empathy, compassion, and love for our sisters and brothers in Christ.”  Ride Thru Life With CHRIST was officially incorporated in 2022.  We are proud to say we are off to a good start.


We all use some sort of transportation whether it is through necessity to get somewhere or if it is for recreational travel and/or riding.  Ride Thru Life With CHRIST is really about this journey of life we are on and having Christ by our side guiding us through it.  


We ask you to reflect upon your personal relationship with Christ, to grow in your faith, to live a Christ centered life.  

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